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Becoming Entrefied

  • 199 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Jul 23, 2021
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199 Latest episodes

Sep 03, 2020 00:21:29

Taking some time in the morning to meditate before getting going or before going to bed. 
Getting enough sleep, hopefully, 7 hours or more. 
Trying to get more air when you sleep. I have found when I have more airflow I sleep better. Maybe looking...

Aug 29, 2020 00:14:36

Don’t waste your time being offended at most stuff. I’ve said it before, but a lot of things don’t matter. One thing that does matter is wasting your time on something that makes you upset that you cannot do anything about. Wasting your time being angry o...

Aug 27, 2020 00:22:03

Organizing your day on what will be done even before the day gets here is smart. I’ve spent some time talking about making a list in the day your in. Some people use their calendars what about getting good enough at it that you can schedule a day or two o...

Aug 26, 2020 00:12:28

Get all our podcast notes on so you can study them.

Instead of thinking negative things, and sometimes even worse saying negative things, prepare for the negative things and don’t speak them.I heard it said that negative things...

Aug 25, 2020 00:20:10

Action is what it takes, it is not thought, but first, you need to determine what you want. Next, you need to find out what you need to do, and then you need to put the action in. 

Identify and Overcome

First, Identify what you want.

Aug 22, 2020 00:13:44

To Get our podcast notes go to Train your brain tell yourself what you expect, and except no back talk. When you have identified in the day what you want, you have written it down, then stick to it. That is what you have set out to do....

Aug 21, 2020 00:10:12

You have to be open to the possiblity of something for you to have a better chance of making it happen. So the key point here is to stay open. Then start figuring out how it is possible and breaking it down, but if you dismiss it before you start, you don...
